It has been one month since I started doing ruby and Rails at work, so I thought I’d share my experiences so far.
Here’s a list of the things I’ve had to deal with this month:
- git
- ruby
- rails
- rvm
- rubygems
- bundler
- homebrew
- rspec
- cucumber
- capybara
- guard
- spork
- jenkins
- log4r
- rest-client
- delayed_job
- rake
- capistrano
- foreman
- daemons
You can tell I’ve been busy :D.
Here are some resources I’ve found useful in my journey so far.
- Ruby on Rails Tutorial, an awesome introductory book for Rails. It teaches you about many of the things in the list above.
Programming Ruby 1.9. The ruby book. For those who want to gain in-depth knowledge of the language.
For hands-on ruby learning, try rubykoans and rubymonk. They are interactive online tutorials guiding you in the inners of ruby.
- The RSpec Book. A must read. It teaches you how to do BDD/TDD right. Totally recommended even if you don’t program in ruby.
- If you are new to git, I recommend you to read Pro Git.
- For a more reference to-the-point style, check Git Reference
- Finally, for a learn-by-example guide, visit Git immersion