It has been one month since I started doing ruby and Rails at work, so I thought I’d share my experiences so far.
Here’s a list of the things I’ve had to deal with this month:
- git
- ruby
- rails
- rvm
- rubygems
- bundler
- homebrew
- rspec
- cucumber
- capybara
- guard
- spork
- jenkins
- log4r
- rest-client
- delayed_job
- rake
- capistrano
- foreman
- daemons
You can tell I’ve been busy :D.
Here are some resources I’ve found useful in my journey so far.
- Ruby on Rails Tutorial, an awesome introductory book for Rails. It teaches you about many of the things in the list above.
Programming Ruby 1.9
. The ruby book. For those who want to gain in-depth knowledge of the language.
For hands-on ruby learning, try rubykoans and rubymonk. They are interactive online tutorials guiding you in the inners of ruby.
- The RSpec Book
. A must read. It teaches you how to do BDD/TDD right. Totally recommended even if you don’t program in ruby.
- If you are new to git, I recommend you to read Pro Git.
- For a more reference to-the-point style, check Git Reference
- Finally, for a learn-by-example guide, visit Git immersion